18 Feb 2011, 10:04pm
Income Tax

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If British Columbia was a Business, It would be Bankrupt

On Wednesday February 16th, 2011 BC Finance Minister Colin Hansen announced British Columbia’s Provincial budget. The most interesting fact I take out about reading the budget that BC budget is running on deficit.

Current Provincial debt stands at about $53 billion and in two years time, it could reach $60 billion.

If a CEO or Manager decides to run a business like the way BC Provincial Government running the Province, they would have been fired long time ago and probably the business would go out business too.

There is no plan in the budget, to reduce the deficit of $53 billion.
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Canada Corporations Need Our Help

Who says you can’t have fun with Tax? This is beyond SNL sketch. I enjoyed all the video clips. Nuella is witty and crispy funny in another level. Canadian corporations need tax cuts. Who is going to come up to fill the void? Its you and may. Watch the clip below..

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